Dunder Mifflin is the fictional paper company on the wildly popular tv show The Office It follows the everyday lives of the office employees who work there Michael Scott is the awkward and sometimes inappropriate manager of the Scranton branch His employees include Dwight, Jim, Pam, Andy, Kevin, Angela, Meredith, Stanly, Phyllis, Ryan, Kelly, Erin, Darryl, Creed, and Toby The camera crew follows the them around 24/7 and captures their hilarious and bizarre everyday encounters This officially licensed lanyard features a repeating Dunder Mifflin logo print Attached is a blue rubber Dunder Mifflin Paper Company charm, as well as a Michael/Dwight reversible badge card inside a removable clear id badge holder Made of strong nylon fabric THIS IS NOT A BREAKAWAY LANYARD Be careful next to move parts This keychain lanyard is the perfect gift item for fans of The Office.