Gremlins, a comedy Horror movie released in 1984, revolves around a cute, furry little Mogwai creature named Gizmo or Giz. This creature comes with three simple rules that must be followed, Do not expose them to sunlight, don't let it get wet, and never feed it after midnight. This little creature spawns into other creatures that are destructive and evil. These super soft green lounge pants feature an all-over-print design of Gizmo and his Gremlin creature. Made from 92% Polyester and 8% Spandex with elastic drawstring waist and pockets. Whether you're settling in for a night of movie-watching or just lounging around, these pajama pants are the perfect choice. The bold all-over print adds a touch of fun and personality to your sleepwear collection, while the soft and comfortable materials ensure a good night's sleep.