Game of Thrones House Targaryen Lanyard ID Holder & Charm Badge With Sticker

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Fire & Blood tells a bit more of House Targaryen. The sigil of House Targaryen is a 3 Headed red dragon, the House words are "Fire and blood". House Targaryen being the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdom was overthrown by House Baratheon who was also overthrown by House Lannister which is now ruling the Seven Kingdoms. Now this is where the battle for the Iron Throne begins. Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Khaleesi, is the last living Targaryen and rightful ruler of the throne. But will she ever get the opportunity to rule the Seven Kingdoms and bring peace to man’s land. This GREAT Game of Thrones lanyard features a reversible design with the Targaryen house motto “Fire and Blood”. It features Safety break away neck clasp, lower buckle release, clear Id sleeve with rubber dragon charm, and collectible Targaryen House sticker. Perfect gift for fans of popular Game of Thrones series on HBO.