The Disney NBC Women's Jack Skellington and Friends Shortie Crew Socks set is an essential addition for any "The Nightmare Before Christmas" enthusiast, offering ten distinctive pairs of socks that feature beloved characters such as Jack Skellington, Sally, and Zero, Jack's ghostly dog. Made from a blend of 96% polyester and 4% spandex, these socks provide an ideal combination of softness, stretch, and durability, ensuring a comfortable fit that contours to your feet. Each pair showcases a different design inspired by the characters, capturing their distinctive charm and eerie aesthetic. The great material ensures these socks are great for everyday wear, maintaining their shape and vibrant colors even after multiple washes. With ten different designs to choose from, this sock set adds a fun and whimsical touch to any outfit, making it a great gift for fans of the timeless Halloween-Christmas crossover classic.