A Christmas Story is a beloved, classic holiday movie. The film follows the wintery adventures of Ralphie Parker, who spends most of his time dodging a bully and dreaming of his ideal Christmas gift. All Ralphie wants is a "Red Ryder". The cranky dad and doting mother in this story add to the quest of Ralphie making it to Christmas Day, with his glasses intact. Fun mix and match 5 pair of socks for fans of this movie. Made of stretchy 98% polyester and 2% spandex dual-fabric.
These sublimated socks feature an allover print of the infamous leg lamp and other Christmas graphics.
With high detailed graphics and a great fit, these socks are sure to be a perfect addition to your sock drawer! They are made of a super soft and stretchy 82% polyester / 16% cotton / 2% spandex fabric blend.