Pokemon Detective Pikachu Big Boys Short Sleeve T-Shirt Yellow Kids

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The Detective Pikachu movie was released in 2019. Tim an insurance adjustor is contacted by the police of Ryme City, a city where humans and pokee characters live together in harmony; catching and battling characters is outlawed. He is informed of his father's death in a car accident. Pikachu explains he has amnesia and his only clue to his identity is Harry's name and address on his cap, leading him to believe he was Harry's partner and that Harry survived the crash. Pikachu and Tim investigate to find Harry. This yellow shirt has a graphic print of Pikachu with a magnifying glass around him looking at a brick wall with the words Detective above him and Pikachu below him. The shirt has the same graphic on a smaller scale on the left arm sleeve. Great gift for all Pokémon fans.